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columbus county arts council

Growing the arts since 1976

Our Corporate and Foundation Sponsors


  • Brunswick Electric Membership Corporation

  • North Carolina Community Foundation

  • County of Columbus

  • City of Whiteville

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Columbus County Arts Council is now accepting applications for North Carolina Arts Council Grassroots Arts Program Subgrants through December 1, 2024.

Since 1977, the North Carolina Arts Council's Grassroots Arts Program has provided North Carolina citizens access to quality arts experiences.  Using a per capita based formula, the program provides funding for the arts in all 100 counties of the State through partnerships with local arts councils.

Columbus County Arts Council serves as the North Carolina Arts Council's partner in awarding subgrants to local organizations for arts programs in Columbus County.

Funds are available for non-profit organizations whose purpose is to promote and develop diverse cultural arts programming in Columbus County. Funding priority is given to qualified arts organization (theaters, galleries, choral societies, festivals), arts in education programs conducted by qualifies artists, and other community organizations that provide arts programs in the County.  Subgrants may not be swarded to arts organizations that already receive operating support directly from the North Carolina Arts Council.  Projects must occur between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025.

Please use the button below to download a copy of the Grant Application Form.  We can also mail you a copy of the form upon request.

We are available to work with you or your organization to help you complete your application.  Please contact Sally Mann at 910.640.2787 or

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