columbus county arts council

Columbus County Arts Council
822 South Madison Street
Whiteville, North Carolina 28472
P.O. Box 291
Whiteville, NC 28472
Gallery Hours:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
or By Appointment
Telephone: 910-640-2787
Our Board Members ...
Elizabeth Spaulding -- President
Bill Thompson -- Vice President
Larry Beltz -- Treasurer
Hattie Campbell - Secretary
Kaye Baggette - Member
Nancy Sigmon -- Member
The mission of the Columbus County Arts Council is to promote and increase public awareness, knowledge, and appreciation of the arts in Columbus County. We provide exposure for local artists, whether visual, literary, or performing arts. Since 1976, we have served both individuals and organizations by presenting their work or by providing funding for exhibitions, performances, festivals, and workshops. Our goal is to showcase the diverse talents within our community and create opportunities for artists to thrive. Through our programs and events, we aim to inspire creativity, celebrate cultural diversity, and foster a vibrant arts scene. Our facility in Whiteville, North Carolina is open on a regular basis and we always have visual art on the walls and books by local authors on display.

We Support Our Local Community Organizations ...
Columbus County Dream Center
Concerned Citizens of Lake Waccamaw
North Carolina Yam Festival
North Carolina Pecan Music Festival
North Carolina Strawberry Festival
North Carolina Watermelon Festival
North Carolina Honey Festival
Columbus Community Band
Dr. Sharyn Edwards Piano Festival
Southeastern Oratorio Society
Reuben Brown House Preservation Society
Waccamaw Siouan Pow-Wow and Cultural Heritage Day
Millie Christine Day
Columbus County Committee for the Preservation of African American Culture (3CPAAC)